Why I'm Running
To have my ear to the ground for you and fight for a better Princeton.
I’m running for USG President because I believe that USG can support students and be a force for positive change when it starts the right conversations. As U-Council Chair, I worked with administrators to make it easier to apply for medical emergency funding, with Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) to expand remote therapy options, and with the U-Council to make students living on campus heard on CPUC.
As USG President, I will have three goals:
Support students.
Facilitate engagement with University decision-making and USG.
Fight for equity in mental health, dining, and housing.
I will advocate for students no matter where we are next year, amplify our voices in conversations about the University that impact us, and fight for a Princeton that is more equitable than the one we left.
You can read more about about me and my plans on this website, and if you like my ideas, then a vote for Liu is a vote for you!