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Engaging with USG

Make Task Force Proposals Public

Publicize the work of USG task forces in our newsletter and solicit proposals for new task forces at the beginning of each semester.

Create an Administrator Guide

Create an administrator guide to help students identify the right individuals to voice concerns to.

Communicate About USG's Work

Create sustained communication campaigns around key areas of USG's advocacy, such as budgeting, CPUC, and referenda and publicize meeting agendas in advance of meetings.

Hold Mid-Semester Focus Groups

Host mid-semester focus groups on academics and life on or off-campus to help us advocate for you to administrators with more credibility.

Launch the Ideas Incubator

Launch the “Ideas Incubator” — a program to pair students with a USG member to get input on ideas for campus and identify the best administrators to approach. (I'm currently working on this right now!)

© 2020 by Allen Liu for USG President. Photos by Justin Chae. 

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